Why our Brick Mattresses are a popular choice
The legendary comedian W.C. Fields put it rather well many years ago - 'The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep'. Enjoying a terrific night's sleep is a prerequisite for good days to follow. Yet, many people tend to continue to struggle to sleep on a mattress that's long past its best. So, when you do decide to treat yourself to a new heavy-duty mattress, here is some key advice towards making an excellent long-time choice ...
- Look for a spring system that is more durable than standard mattress owners would expect. A great choice, as with our famous Brick mattresses, is a pocketed unit featuring a thousand powerful heavy-duty coiled springs.
- Expect an addition of multiple tightly packed layers of a truly luxurious filling, bringing the mattress up to a superb depth of 25cm.
With such strength built-in, this means that our Brick Mattress have a single person weight limit of 190kg or 30 stones. For a couple, this is upped to 50 stones or 318kg. With such a heavy-duty extra-firm product you'd expect a proper warranty - and you get it because this terrific product comes complete with a 3-year guarantee. Size also matters - obviously - and we offer singles, small doubles, doubles, kings and super kings. All are available with free delivery throughout the UK.
These superb mattresses offer true edge to edge and reinforced side support, thanks to a superb hand stitching process. Each of these exceptional products is tested, certified skin-safe and are anti bed bug.
Some say that we don't know our own strength!
Many customers have told us that this Brick Mattress is the firmest they have ever tried, and some even worry that it might be slightly too firm. Undaunted by such thoughts, we can provide our brilliant Air Flow Mattress Topper; matching its on-top softness with that heavy-duty support below. Its cover includes a built-in ventilation system allowing your body to stay cool as you enjoy a brilliant night's sleep. It is attached to each corner by strong elasticated straps and the stitching allows for an even distribution of the filling.
Building a Perfect Partnership
Choosing our Brick Mattress can be one half of a perfect sleep partnership; so do take the time also to examine our unequalled selection of brilliant Reinforced Beds possibilities.
Millennia ago, the Greek poet Homer knew the truth when he said 'There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep'. So, we've said enough; now it's over to you ...