Sure-fire Furniture Solutions for Bariatric Care
The number of people identified as obese or morbidly obese is increasing in the UK. The term bariatric describes morbidly obese people with a BMI of more than 40, whose weight may range from 18 – 70 stone. As a result, there is an increasing requirement for specialised furniture in healthcare facilities such as hospitals and clinics, in care homes and private homes.
Reinforced Beds have developed a unique range of sturdy furniture to meet the needs of bariatric care in three tried and tested areas.
Specially designed seating is crucial for the safety and comfort of bariatric people. Our Extreme range of seating can accommodate people up to weights of 30-stone or even more, with additional reinforcing. Pieces such as the Extreme Opal Sofa combine outstanding strength and durability with a clean, modern design and a colour range to tone in with any interior. This makes our Extreme seating the first choice for clinic waiting rooms, hospitals and private homes. Users report an increased sense of security and comfort through not having to fit into seats designed for average-sized people.
Discover: Extreme Bariatric Opal Sofa
Bed frames
Bed frames for bariatric people need to be wider than usual, and reinforced to carry the extra weight. The danger of breakage or collapse is not the only consideration in strengthening the frames; a standard bed frame will creak and squeak when subjected to the pressures of a very overweight person. Reinforced Beds are the experts in bed frames that will support weights far beyond the normal range without bending, breaking or creaking. They are the ideal support for heavy-duty mattresses designed for heavy people.
Discover: Strong Bed Frames
A comfortable mattress essential for a restful nights sleep. For bariatric people, the challenge is to find a mattress that will support the extra weight without sagging or collapsing. This applies to the centre of the mattress as well as to the edges. A severely overweight person will be seated on the side of the bed for assistance with washing and dressing, and a standard mattress edge will collapse and bulge if frequently subjected to this kind of pressure. Reinforced Beds have a range of mattresses that provide comfort and support for people up to 35-stone, or a joint weight of 60-stone based on two people.
Discover: Heavy Duty Mattresses
Caring for people with bariatric problems is challenging. Choosing the right standard of durable furniture from a specialised company like Reinforced Beds will ensure long-lasting peace of mind.