What are the best waterproof mattresses for care homes?
When selecting beds for care homes, comfort, ease of use and durability are all factors that will impact any decision. Buying a sturdy base for beds, whether it’s a metal frame or divan, is essential to provide a long-lasting solution and a firm foundation for the equally robust mattress you pick.
When deciding on a mattress, opting for one that is waterproof makes good sense in a care home setting as those in care may suffer from incontinence due to ageing and mental health conditions like dementia. However, there are many different kinds of waterproof mattresses available to purchase, making picking one sometimes a tricky task.
In the following sections, we’ll explore three options that may be suitable in different situations to help narrow the field.
Heavy-duty mattresses
If you need a mattress that is hardwearing and provides many years of use, a heavy-duty waterproof mattress is an ideal choice. For ease of care, these mattresses require no turning and are simple to maintain. Manufactured from a mix of memory foam and densely structured foam filling, these mattresses sport an easy to remove cover, for quick cleaning. An approved selection of the NHS this type of mattress is often ideal for care home residents who need a firmer mattress.
Coiled spring mattresses
Waterproof mattresses sealed in PVC like the Thornley Express are coiled spring mattresses that supply a dry night’s sleep. These comfortable and cost-effective option and feature a supportive spring system and an impermeable waterproof cover. This type of mattress is best suited for beds in care homes that experience less challenging behaviour.
Anti-vandal mattresses
These specially designed heavy-duty mattresses are among the hardiest waterproof mattresses available to buy today. Developed to withstand the highest levels of incontinence, these mattresses are also heat sealed to prevent any chance of liquids causing damage to the mattress, offering years of service. Anti-vandal mattresses are an exceptional option for care homes with residents that display challenging behaviour frequently and provide a robust option that is easy for staff to maintain.
Smart sleeping solutions for UK care homes
If you’re currently looking for waterproof mattresses you can rely on for your care home, you’ll find a solution to suit your needs at Reinforced Beds. Feel free to get in touch with our expert team today for advice and answers to any questions or concerns you have when choosing a mattress.