Creating a Comfortable Lounge for Disabled People
If you are tasked with creating a comfortable lounge for somebody disabled, whether that be you, or somebody that you are caring for, there are quite a few things to consider. This guide will show you some of the things to think about to make the space much more comfortable and easy to navigate!
Make the lighting easy to turn on
Cords to turn the lights on are much easier than switches, or you could add lighting that turns on automatically or is set on a timer. It's easy and inexpensive to put timers on lamps, so this could be a useful solution for people who can't spend too much money.
Have a place for everything
Make sure that you keep things like the TV remote, coasters for mugs of tea and any books or magazines. You can agree on a place with the person who the lounge is for. These things should always be kept in these places, to avoid confusion or them ever being out of reach.
Opt for sturdy, comfy furniture
Furniture like our Extreme Ellerton Sofa is perfect for this kind of lounge. The sofa is very heavy duty, so you do not have to worry about getting in and out of your or your client's wheelchair. These sofas are also great for people who have mental disabilities, as they are built to last.
Install mechanically operated blinds
Blinds that can be controlled at the click of the button are a great idea for anyone who is disabled and unable to close blinds or curtains. These can be controlled with a remote, just like the television. Make sure that the remote is also kept in the easy to reach space that you decide on.
Use a table on wheels
A wheeled table is a great solution, as it can be easily moved in front of the sofa and to the side. This might not be suitable for all disabilities, however, so make sure that you check with the person you are creating the lounge for.
Make sure that there is a lot of floor space
You might need to have enough space for wheelchairs and other items, so the lounge should have plenty of vacant floor space, preferably close to the sofa.
All disabilities are different, and these solutions may not be suitable for everybody. However, hopefully, this article has given you some ideas on how to create a comfy lounge for somebody with a disability.